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Unisys Stealth aware

Live discovery, modeling and visualization to see network relationships and use microsegmentation to isolate trusted entities
Value Proposition


Security monitoring and response teams are struggling to maintain visibility in an increasingly borderless IT environment with the growing volume and variety of devices, users and data moving across networks. Assumptions-based security decisions lead to the possibility of unaddressed vulnerabilities. To reduce your risk exposure and quickly respond to attacks, you need complete visibility into your network


Part of the Unisys Stealth® security software suite, Stealth(aware)™ provides you with powerful live discovery, modeling and visualization to see network relationships and use microsegmentation to isolate trusted entities. Increased traffic insight informs your decisions to permit, restrict or block access to sensitive data—then automatically deploy those policies to endpoints.


  • Know your network with live discovery and state-of-the-art visualization of endpoints and workloads and their communications to prioritize security needs
  • Reduce network management complexity with built-in contextual intelligence that can be customized to create profile types unique to your environment
  • Control network access by identifying rogue and unwanted communications
  • Easily create and update security policies on the fly with an intuitive user interface
  • Enhance compliance with automatic modeling and deployment of security policies to meet regulatory mandates
