Bart Preneel on Corona Apps and Privacy
The attention to personal tracing technologies has suddenly boomed as a result of the current CORONA-crisis. Both existing and new technologies are being proposed and deployed at a large scale. What should policy makers and private individuals learn from the government mandated use in Asia? While the Netherlands is organizing an appathon, and local mayors consider apps to access public spaces, what should privacy experts consider and how can they support their stakeholders?
The DP-3T solution (Distributed Privacy Preserving Proximity Tracking) makes it possible to interrupt new chains of SARS-CoV-2 transmission rapidly and effectively by informing potentially exposed people. DP-3T has created by a large and inclusive European team; if provides an open source and fully transparent solution focusing on data minimisation and maximum protection; moreover, its solution is the only one so far that is scalable at a European level. It was built upon proximity measurement and scalable backend service. Bart Preneel, expert in privacy and security provides an insightful webinar about enabling people tracing, and its purpose to chain infections and beyond between national and international borders.