Cybersecurity is more than a few new products or gadgets; it’s about a complete, integrated mind set, involving both protective and reactive measures, people, processes and technology. Cybersecurity is also about understanding the challenges to address and aligning any project to the critical assets of the organisation. It is about monitoring, testing, building and maintaining a process and about creating a platform that lets you truly manage your risks in a world where the cost and damages of breaches continue to rise
The Trasys International team of Information and CyberSecurity professionals plays the key role of trusted advisor to help the customer achieve this objective: connecting security to business agility. Our experts base their approach on the NIST (National Institute of Standards) and ISO (International Organization for Standardization) Cybersecurity frameworks for best practices. The main advantage of the NIST and ISO approaches consists in using business drivers to guide CyberSecurity activities and in considering CyberSecurity risks as part of the organisation’s risk management processes. Our extensive portfolio of solutions and services can strengthen the prevention and management of CyberSecurity for critical data
EU Institutions, Local and International Government